Smoking questionnaire

This page explains the content and coding for the Smoking questionnaire.

To learn more about questionnaires, see the what are questionnaires help page or the how to send a questionnaire guide.

On this page:

  1. Questionnaire content
  2. Codes to the medical record
  3. How to give feedback

Questionnaire content

Text message - invite

Dear <patient first name>,

<Practice name> would like to ask a few questions about smoking.

Whether you smoke or not, your answers help us to keep your records up to date and give you the right care.

It should take about 1 minute, and your answers are private.

Select the link to get started <link>

Introduction screen

Smoking questionnaire

Dear <Patient name>, 

Dear <Patient first name>,

<Practice name> would like to ask a few questions about smoking.

Whether you smoke or not, your answers help us to keep your records up to date and give you the right care.

It should take about 1 minute, and your answers are private.

Thank you,

<Practice Name>

Questions and answers


Do you smoke, or have you ever smoked regularly?

  • I smoke
  • I used to smoke regularly
  • I have never smoked


If patient answers ‘I smoke’ to Q1

How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?

If you roll your own cigarettes or smoke other tobacco products, think of the equivalent amount.

  • Less than 1
  • 1 to 9
  • 10 to 19
  • 20 to 39
  • 40 or over


If patient answers ‘I used to smoke regularly’ to Q1

When did you stop smoking?

  • Less than 1 year ago
  • More than 1 year ago


Only for patients who answer Q3

How many cigarettes did you smoke a day?

If you rolled your own cigarettes or smoke other tobacco products, think of the equivalent amount.

  • Less than 1 
  • 1 to 9 
  • 10 to 19 
  • 20 to 39 
  • 40 or over



Check and submit answers

Please check your answers are correct before sending them to your GP practice.



If patient answers ‘I smoke’ to Q1

Your results

Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health

When you stop, you give your lungs the chance to repair and you’ll be able to breathe more easily.

There are lots of other benefits too – and they start almost immediately.

To access free local services and get tips, read the NHS advice on how to quit smoking.

We’ve sent your answers to your GP - thank you.



If patient answers ‘I used to smoke regularly’ to Q1

Your results

Well done on giving up

Stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health.

And staying away from cigarettes has ongoing benefits for your physical and mental wellbeing.

If you're ever tempted to start smoking again, call the free NHS Smokefree helpline on 0300 123 1044 to get support from a trained adviser. 

We’ve sent your answers to your GP - thank you.



If user answers ‘I have never smoked’ to Q1

Your results

Keep up the good work

Staying away from smoking is one the best things you can do for your health.

We’ve sent your answers to your GP - thank you.



Response sent to the MJOG inbox


Inbox subject line

Smoker - annual review

Ex-smoker - annual review

Non-smoker - annual review


Inbox contents - 

Shows the questions, and the answers the patient has given.


Codes to the medical record


Read code: S1



 Do you smoke, or have you ever smoked regularly?




Read code

I smoke

Smoker (finding) 77176002 


I smoke

Current smoker annual review (regime/therapy) 505651000000103


I smoke

Smoking cessation education (procedure) 225323000


I used to smoke regularly

Ex-smoker (finding) 8517006


I used to smoke regularly

Ex-smoker annual review (regime/therapy) 505761000000105

No Read code available

I have never smoked 

Never smoked tobacco (finding) 266919005


I have never smoked  

Non-smoker annual review (regime/therapy) 505681000000109

No Read code available




How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?




Read code

Less than 1

Trivial cigarette smoker (less than one cigarette/day) (finding) 266920004


1 to 9

Light cigarette smoker (1-9 cigs/day) (finding) 160603005


10 to 19

Moderate cigarette smoker (10-19 cigs/day) (finding) 160604004


20 to 39

Heavy cigarette smoker (20-39 cigs/day) (finding) 160605003


40 or over

Very heavy cigarette smoker (40+ cigs/day) (finding) 160606002




When did you stop smoking?




Read code

Less than 1 year ago

Ex-smoker for less than 1 year (finding) 735128000


More than 1 year ago

Ex-smoker for more than 1 year (finding) 48031000119106




How many cigarettes did you smoke a day?




Read code

Less than 1

Ex-trivial cigarette smoker (<1/day) (finding) 266921000


1 to 9

Ex-light cigarette smoker (1-9/day) (finding) 266922007


10 to 19

Ex-moderate cigarette smoker (10-19/day) (finding) 266923002


20 to 39

Ex-heavy cigarette smoker (20-39/day) (finding) 266924008


40 or over

Ex-very heavy cigarette smoker (40+/day) (finding) 266925009




How to give feedback

As always, we’d love to hear your feedback about our questionnaires.

To request a new questionnaire or suggest changes, please fill in our request form.