BMI Body Mass Index

This page explains the content of the BMI body mass index questionnaire.

To learn more about questionnaires, see the what are questionnaires help page or the how to send a questionnaire guide.

On this page:

1. Questionnaire content

2. Introduction Screen

3. Your Results

4. Inbox results 

5. How to give feedback

Questionnaire Content

Text message that patient will first receive in this sequence 

Introduction Screen

Body Mass Index (BMI) Questionnaire

Patient will be required to confirm their date of birth

Body mass index (BMI) questionnaire

This text is to inform you of what is required in the next sequence  

Tell us your us your height

(This can switch to centimetres)

Tell us your weight  X stone X pounds

(This can be switch to kilograms)

Check and submit your answers

Please check your answers are correct before sending them to your GP practice.

Your results

We’ve sent your answers to your GP - thank you

Your results

Your BMI score is XXX. You will receive one of the fallowing four outcomes depending on what data you submitted

Inbox results will but received at the surgery in the following format 

For surgery reference 

[Body mass index (BMI) questionnaire]

BMI Body Mass Index (version 1)

[Inbox body copy]

Questionnaire:     BMI Body Mass Index (version 1)

BMI:                     X or N/A if under 18

Height:                 [X metres]

Weight:                [X kilograms]


Underweight < 18.5

Healthy 18.5 - 24.9

Overweight 25 - 29.9

Obese 30 +


When questionnaire is completed

S1 (Read) requires height in metres. EMIS (SNOMED) requires height in centimetres

Weight is in kg for both


Body mass index (observable entity)

SNOMED: 60621009


Standing height (observable entity)

SCTID: 248333004248333004 | Standing height (observable entity) | [centimetres]

Read: X76BT [free text height in metres]


Body weight (observable entity)

SCTID: 2711300127113001 | Body weight (observable entity) |

Read: X76C7 [free text weight in kg]


A technical limitation means we cannot yet code numerical values directly into S1. We are working to fix this issue. While we do this, we have configured MJOG to code to the record that the relevant information has been collected, and free text the score or value alongside. This issue is not present in EMIS.

How to give feedback

As always, we’d love to hear your feedback about our questionnaires.

To request a new questionnaire or suggest changes, please fill in our request form.