Service Level Electronic Prescribing

How LIVI wish to use a single EMIS Hub (using Clinical Services) for multiple NHS Partners

Set up Services

To enable LIVI to complete Electronic Prescriptions for multiple NHS Partners in a single EMIS Instance they will need to configure a service for each NHS Partner.  Below are 3 NHS Partners that have been set up as a Service in EMIS Web Clinical Services:

EMIS Services

Each Service is configured with the Cost Centre organisation details and the Specified Provider (usually the Parent Organisation):

LIVI - Our Health Partnership

OHP Service

The Prescribing Code for OHP is a made up one.  The ambition is to have a single code for the 6 GP Practices that are part of OHP.

LIVI - Norfolk & Waveney

N&W Service

LIVI - Glenlyn

Glenlyn Service-1

Spurious Code

As requested by the Parent Organisation when requesting a Prescribing Cost Centre code, a Spurious Code is also provided.  However in EMIS Web Clinical Services only one Spurious Code can be assigned to a GP:

GP Pro Numbers

Completing an Electronic Prescription

When a GP completes an Electronic Prescription they can select the Service they wish to prescribe against for that patient.

However, unfortunately, whilst the GP can pick the correct Prescribing Cost Code from the drop down Service Override in the Prescribing Window:

Service Override

The Spurious code assigned to the GP will always be assigned to the Prescription which could be the incorrect one for that Service.

The Ask

What are the implications if LIVI put an eroneous Spurious Code for all their GPs in EMIS Web (i.e. 123456) so the code on the EPS/form will be incorrect and, therefore couldn’t be identified, so it would then be attributed to the CCG. 

So the scenario is a GP prescribes for a Patient whose GP Practice sits under Norfolk & Waveney CCG so selects the LIVI - Norfolk & Waveney Service during the EPS.  Because his Spurious Code is incorrect the cost will be associated to Norfolk & Waveney CCG:


Prescription N&W

The next patient is registered at a GP Practice who sit under Birmingham and Solihull CCG so the GP selects the LIVI - Our Health Partnership service. Again, because his Spurious Code is incorrect the cost will be associated to Birmingham and Solihull CCG:

Prescription OHP