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How to switch off reminder messages

Patient reminder messages can be switched off at either the clinic/session/resource level or for an individual Patient. When switching reminders off for a given clinic/session/resource, all reminders for that entity will stop (after the next appointment import). 

Switching off reminders for a clinic/session/resource

  • From your MJog home page, navigate to 'Change my messages and other settings'
  • From the left menu, select 'Opt In/out' and from the right menu select 'Change the clinic opt in/out preferences'
  • From the left menu, select 'Clinic/Session' - you will now see a list of actively used clinics and sessions
  • You can opt out the whole clinic by selecting 'Exclude (don't allow messages)' at the clinic level
  • Alternatively, you can opt out individual sessions/resources by clicking on the symbol and then selecting the 'Exclude (don't allow messages) option for that session/resource
  • Once you have made your changes, click 'Save Settings'
  • When MJog next imports your appointments, the new settings will take effect

Further information is available here.

Switching off reminders for a Patient

By default, all Patients are opted into receiving messages. However, from time to time you may find a patient wishes to no longer receive messages from MJog. If this is the case, you can opt a given Patient out of receiving messages (either all messages, or messages for a particular method of contact, e.g. text or email).

To opt a patient out:

  • From your MJog home page, navigate to 'Change my messages and other settings'
  • From the left menu, select 'Opt In/out' and from the right menu select 'Change the patient opt in/out preferences'
  • Search for the Patient by name, phone number of Patient ID/NHS Number
  • Once you locate the patient, un-tick the desired method of contact (e.g. Text)
  • To stop all contact, un-tick all methods of contact
  • Once you have made your changes, click 'Save Settings'
  • MJog will no longer send any message (e.g. reminder or campaign message by that method of contact) to that Patient until you manually opt them back in

Further information is available here.

It is also worth noting that Patients can opt themselves out by sending the word STOP to the textback number (when using NHS Mail) or replying (when using other SMS gateways). This will stop all messages to that Patient. At present there is no way for the Patient to opt themselves back in - to do this you would have to contact MJog Limited and request they are opted in.