Introduction to Mjog

A brief introduction to the Mjog service.

On this page:

  1. What is Mjog?

  2. Mjog working in Healthcare

What is Mjog?

Mjog is an innovative technology, specifically for appointment-based healthcare organisations such as hospitals, clinics, and GPs. Mjog can be used wherever you rely on pre-booked patient appointments, and can be utilised by both the NHS and private sector.

Mjog makes use of NHSmail and other SMS Gateway systems (EE, Firetext, Mjog Gateway), allowing NHS organisations to send messages securely to their patients.

Mjog allows patients to reply to the messages you send them, which for example allows patients to cancel their appointments, respond to messages such as Smoking Status, etc.

Both NHS and Private Sector organisations can choose to have their own personal reply number as a separate, chargeable feature.

Mjog can also be used to send email, voice and internet (Smart) messages, and video consultation calls.

Mjog working in Healthcare

Working seamlessly with your existing clinical system, Mjog automatically reminds your patients of forthcoming appointments, drastically reducing Did Not Attend (DNA) rates.  Missed appointments mean staff and facilities are not always utilised to their full potential. Mjog is proven to greatly assist in reducing DNA rates, improve patient satisfaction and meet key NHS performance targets.

With patients appointments being made days, weeks or months in advance, Mjog can assist in making sure timely reminders are sent to patients ahead of their appointments. Mjog can also send appointment confirmation messages when the appointments are first seen (typically seven days in advance). Confirmations provide greater opportunity to reallocate unwanted appointments thereby reducing wastage.

Mjog also comes with a bulk-messaging facility (Batch Messenger). Batch Messenger provides customers with the ability to send SMS text messages to patients based upon searches / exports from your clinical system, as well as the ability to create your own patient groups. This allows you to use Batch Messenger to contact patients based upon your own search criteria, allowing the same message content to easily be sent to each patient contained within the search results.  Using “tags” it is possible for messages to be automatically personalised to each recipient for even greater impact.

Mjog does not change the way you use your clinical system, so there is no need to re-train staff or re-install software you already have. The web interface is designed to be intuitive and minimal staff training is required. Once installed, Mjog can be accessed from any machine within your organisation using a web browser and a comprehensive, informative web based help system is provided.