Introduction to Livi Website Dashboard

The website dashboard manager allows practices to edit, update, and maintain a level of customization on their practice website.

On this page:

  1. What is a practice dashboard
  2. How the dashboard works with the website

What is a practice dashboard

A practice website dashboard is a backend administrative interface used to manage and monitor a practice's website. It provides a centralized platform where users (typically administrators, managers ) can access and control various aspects of the website's functionality, content, performance, and analytics.

Purpose and Benefits:

  • Website Performance Monitoring: Provides insights into how well the website is performing and identifies areas for improvement.
  • Efficient Content Updates: Streamlines the process of updating content, keeping the website current and relevant.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Manages elements that impact user experience, such as page load times, navigation, and mobile responsiveness.
  • Marketing and Growth Support: Assists in executing digital marketing strategies to attract more clients or patients and grow the practice.
  • Improved Security: Helps safeguard the website against potential threats, ensuring data protection and compliance with privacy regulations.
  • Optimized Appointment Scheduling: Ensures efficient management of online appointment bookings and minimizes scheduling conflicts.

How the dashboard works with the website

Overall, a practice website dashboard centralizes all the tools and data needed to effectively manage the online presence of a professional practice, ensuring that it serves the needs of the practice and its patients as well as the wider community.