This article will show you how to create and send a seasonal flu invitation using an Mjog Questionnaire.
On this page:
Sending a seasonal flu invitation using Batch Messenger
The following steps explain how to set up your Batch Message.
Create a new batch message
- Using your clinical system, create / run a search for the patients (message recipients), and export it as a CSV file.
- From the Home Page of Mjog, click Send a Batch Message
Enter a Name for your Batch Message and then click Save and continue:
Selecting a patient list
Click Select patient list:
Clicking the link Learn how to format the file, will provide you with guidance on how to format your CSV file.
Navigate to and select your CSV file, and then click Open:
- Click Continue:

- Confirm your patient selection and click Save and continue:

Selecting a message template
Click Select template:

- Select the message template and click Use Template

- Select SMS Message Only and click Continue

Coding a Batch message
The questionnaire template has the relevant codes assigned to the various responses that patients will complete, but in this example, you may want to add a code for the Invitation to have a Flu Vaccination to 'Message delivered'.
- Click Save and continue:
Choosing a delivery date
- Select a date / time for the delivery of your batch message, and then click Save
Confirming settings and sending a batch message
- Confirm your message settings and then click Schedule:
You may wish to send a test message to yourself first!
You have now successfully sent an Mjog Questionnaire as a Batch Message!