Unfortunately currently if you add an email address to a patient, it will mark them to not be updated from your PAS, this means if their details change it won't automatically update in MJog.
If you contact support@mjog.com they can revert this mark so they are automatically updated again.
On this page:
Adding Email to Individual Patients
1. Open MJog and go to Settings
2. Go to Demographics
3. Select Update patient contact details
4. Search for your patient
5. Click the Go button on the right side of the screen for the patient you wish to edit
6. Add the email address to the Email field
7. Click the blue Save Changes button
Adding Email to Multiple Patients
1. Open MJog and go to Settings
2. Go to Demographics
3. Select Bulk Update patient contact details
4. Follow the instructions on the page to create a CSV with the required details
5. Do not tick Clear existing patient details if the file contains empty values?
6. Choose then upload the csv
7. The patient details should now be updated with the email addresses of the patients